
Luxury Digital Real Estate, redefined.

In the year 3333 AD, the breeding of interspecies genetic material turned humans into a new species know as the Bozos.

73 Editions Sold Out in 13 minutes.

The Island for the BOZO$.

The year is 3333 AD.

The Metaverse is entirely occupied by the Meta Reptilians. Well, not entirely... One small island of indomitable Bozos still holds out against the invaders.

Located at Genesis point A#1 of the Bozoverse, Bozo Island is the most fantastic and exciting destination, a place where Bozos meet and have a good time, discover Bozo culture, horse around... and enjoy by yourself ;) or with your Frenz.

The Ultimate Bozo Experience

Our clients are among the most degenerate customers on the planet

and we take pride in serving them with the most beautifully crafted NFTs in the metaverse.

Bozo Island

is not only the official headquarters for the first Bozos. It is something to be experienced before anything else.

Bozo Island was born of a partnership with

This immersive NFT is built to be brought into the Metaverse on, where you can gather, host events, and display your NFTs with this room as your gallery.


10 Must-have NSB* Features.
*Never Seen Before. Unless they copied it.

Gallery Space

Show off your NFTs in this sumptuous 4305 sqft digital space.

No one can see your best NFTs. You need an upscale. This is why we made it so you can flex your NFTs like the crypto boss you are.

  • → Feature your 2D NFTs on the 26 Walls, including 16 Featured Walls for those you love
  • → Feature your 3D NFTs on the available display areas

Art Stuff

Buy one NFT, get more stuff inside.

Bozo Art has been aclaimed through the centuries. Their majestic legacy lives beyond time, because time doesn't exist in the Bozoverse. Therefore because we love our degenerate customers so much, we included a two floor sculpture celebrating Bozo culture and its domination onto the metaverse..

  • → Elegant, colorful & slick architecturally integrated Artworks
  • → Climb a Procedurally Degenerated Two-Floor Sculpture

Game Room*

Take a palatial bath but like a baller.

This exclusive ball pool will remind you of those you used to bath in at the McDonalds. Because Balls are so incredible, we made a pool of them.

  • → Colored ball you can bath in
  • → Complimentary Inflatable Castle

Light Art

Disco Bozo style.

The Bozo living in the Bozoverse likes to party, so their heritage provided a subtle mix between a futuristic hellish neon style and something like a regular nightclub.

  • → Colorful Neon Lights provided
  • → Hellish Oven to burn Bozoken at sun temperature.

Fully Furnished

Practice MetaHygge*, but Bozo style.

Enjoy the comfort of our BOZOFURNZ, specially designed to use on the metaverse.

  • → Enjoy little Tables, Chair and the Desk provided
  • → Learn about the Bozorature in the libraries provided**
  • → Take a sit on the Toilet provided

Unique Architecture

Delivered in an elaborate style, with swag.

No one can claim the rich and extensive legacy of the BOZO$ culture. Enjoy a decadent, contemporary modern take on post-meta post-modern situationist aesthetic.

  • → Post-industrial era Structuralism
  • → Sensual White because it looks good
  • → Grandiosely colorful because it looks fun

Beach Patio

Take a plunge in a splendid open sea.

Take a refreshing dive in the ocean* and relax.

  • → Sensuous scale to climb back up
  • → Gorgeous seats to chill
  • → Life Buoy to keep you safe

A Magic Garden

Raise your vibes.

There is nothing like recharging your battery after a day chasing the next moon pumping NFTs collection. Take a break in this beautiful sea beach garden. No need to take a flight to the beach. With Bozo Island, you can enjoy the beach right where you are, your butt all comfy from your own chair.

  • → SFW Exotic Vegetation
  • → Little sea sparkle things that glow on the beach
  • → Cool little $and Castle included
  • → Dumped BOZOTRUCK (exclusive)

Yacht Port

Park your yachts right next to your property.

Do it like our Bozo Beezos, spend time away from humanity. Didn't get on the boring yacht club thing? Get yourself a Bozo Yacht instead and just plug it in the Bozoverse.

  • → Convenient & Easy access
  • → Park up to three small Bozoats
  • → Plug upcoming Bozokens


Park your Bozocopter.

Everybody knows that Bozocopters and flying Bozocars are the next flex. If you're a top, just land in the metaverse and enter through the top of the building. (instead of from the bottom)

  • → Roof Access
  • → Plug upcoming Bozokens


And more to discover inside!



Bozo Island


The year is 3333 AD. The Metaverse is entirely occupied by the Meta Reptilians. Well, not entirely... One small island of indomitable Bozos still holds out against the invaders.

This immersive NFT is built to be brought into the Metaverse on, where you can gather, host events, and display your NFTs with this room as your gallery. Get ready to clown around in this vibrant futuristic fun house! A virtual space to meet with your community, Bozos or otherwise.

Feature Walls
Ceiling Height
Time of day
Dominant Colour
Outdoor space

1020 ft / 312m
4305 sqft / 400sqm
Palm Trees